Kingston Kez
First Friday of the Month
Rowan Woodwork
Join us on the first friday of every month to bathe in the magick of Kez. “What’s that” you ask? Kezurou-kai (“Kez”) is a Japanese woodworking tradition that focuses on the art of hand planing.
Folks of all woodworking knowledge levels gather at Rowan Woodwork to eat pizza, drink seltzer/beer, talk about their craft, and practice Kez together. We hope to see you at this accessible, inclusive, and creative space, where we can learn and be together! As always, Kez is F-R-E-E!
RSVP to the next Kez
Kingston Kez | January
Start the new year right with community, hand tool practice, and of course, pizza!
Kingston Kez | February
Fight against the darkness of mid-winter with the magick of Kez and community combined.
Kingston Kez | March
March Madness has nothing on Kingston Kez! Come hang out with award-winning hand planers, and have some pizza and beer with us.
Kingston Kez | April
March Madness has nothing on Kingston Kez! Come hang out with award-winning hand planers, and have some pizza and beer with us.